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Ysgol Bwlchgwyn CPAim High


At Ysgol Bwlchgwyn we work in genuine partnership with parents to ensure the best possible outcomes for the chidren in our care. To this end we regularly provide feedback and support relating to attendance and the impact it has on pupil progress. We work with the Local Education Authority to deliver its policy which is outlined below:


WCBC Prevention and Support Services and all partner agencies will endeavour to work with parents, and pupils to ensure that all pupils receive an appropriate education and to attend school regularly.


The aim is to ensure that attendance and punctuality remains a key focus for all, including governors, teachers, parents, pupils and partner agencies. WCBC will strive to ensure schools:

  • offer a safe and friendly environment which welcomes children regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or ability.
  • raise standards and ensure all pupils reach their full potential, through a high level of school attendance and punctuality.
  • ensure all stakeholders receive communication about information on the importance of regular school attendance.
  • identify those pupils with irregular attendance at an early stage and to work with partner agencies to try and address any barriers that stop pupils from attending school regularly.
  • keep accurate and up to date attendance data.
  • ensure all pupils are safe, and will ensure all schools follow the local authority’s ‘Children Missing Education’ guidance.
  • encourage schools to reward those pupils who have made significant progress in raising attendance levels.


School procedures regarding child's absence - Parents are expected to contact school on the first day of absence and to provide reasons for their child’s absence. This will then need to be followed up by an explanation note that should be handed into the class teacher/form tutor and which will be kept on record by school. If parents fail to notify school, then the school will make every effort to contact the parents and also other persons listed as a point of contact. The absence will be recorded as unauthorised if no contact is made. Failure to receive any contact on the third day of absence may result in the involvement of the ESW Service.


Holidays during term time - Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils from school during the school term for a holiday. Under the Education (pupil registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010, Head Teachers have discretion to authorise a holiday of up to 10 days during term time, over 10 days can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.


All requests for holidays must be completed on the schools holiday request form and completed by the parents/guardians. The Head Teacher will make the decision and may include the following contributory factors:

  • Time of year.
  • Length of time.
  • Overall percentage of attendance.
  • Impact on the child’s learning.

